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Component Overview

App Structure

└── Homepage
├── Title
└── RepoCard
├── OnDemandPane
└── ScheduledPane
└── TestResultBox

Component roles

  • index : Holds the home page
  • Homepage : Contains the dashboard
  • Title : Contains the title and an explanation of how to read the dashboard
  • RepoCard : Holds all test information for one repository
  • OnDemandPane : Left side of RepoCard, holds information about the last test run on the repository
  • ScheduledPane : Right side of RepoCard, holds information about the last week's worth of scheduled tests
  • TestResultBox : Colored box that represents the test result for one of the scheduled tests

Other files

  • getData.js : contains all external API calls
  • config.json : contains configuration parameters that can be changed to set up the dashboard for other organizations